Insanity Quilt

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Insanity Quilt update

I realized I need to update my progress.  I haven' t gotten very far but I have completed some more!

Having switched my hexie cutting method from Inklingo to My Accuquilt Studio Hexie die cutter,  I don't have the wonderful lines of the Inklingo, but with a Frixion pen and cardstock type cut out (from printing one on Inklingo), I have an exact finished 1/2 inch hexie size to easily guide my running stitches.

Even though I have questioned myself about switching to the english paper piecing way, it is still two steps while it is just one with the regular running stitch method. With the pieces being so small it is quite doable.  And, I love they way the press out in clockwise and counter clockwise seams. No one will ever see them, but they make the block lay beautifully.

So if you still love EPP, the inklingo works great for printing the hexies on cardstock you have laying around from some unused cards and are easily cut with a rotary cutter.

I might try EPP on a bit bigger hexie project sometime.

Total                          Completed
1422                                324
448                                     0
1068                                   0
2012                                   0
5389                                   0
10339                              324

158                                   36
64                                       0

1 comment:

JoJo said...

Kerri, I think I've decided to get the Inklingo 5/8 size hexie for my Insanity quilt so it will more closely fit my bed. But, now that you've used your Accuquilt, I'm debating that decision as I have the hexie die for my Go. Hmmmmm....decisions...decisions... :)