Insanity Quilt

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Baptist Fan Continuous line pattern on Q for an Hour

Here are some pics of the finished Quilt for an Hour! I have a few machine quilting jobs that need to be finished so I will be busy on my longarm machine next week.


Stephanie Pettengell said...

That quilting looks fantastic Kerri, I take it that you did that on your long arm. I have not got one so I am trying to think of a good design to do the quilting on my sewing machine. It won't look half as good as your. It's beautiful.

Kucki68 said...

QFAH looks very beautiful, I love the blue and red stars and the quilting complements it beautifully.

SueR said...

Your QFAH turned out beautifully. I am still waiting for mine to come back from the machine quilter's, I asked her to quilt baptist fans on mine too.