Insanity Quilt

Monday, December 19, 2011


700 HST's are cut and 4 have been sewn to the HST square!  Only 696 to go. After I get some errands and chores done today I will return to the Mystery quilt.

I recently purchased the Studio Accuquilt when it was on sale.  I finally pulled it out and with the Go adapter tray was able to the use 1 1/2 "  HST die , and it worked great!  It was so nice not to have wrist pain when cutting like I usually do with the rotary cutter.  It is a huge expense but I love it already, and it really lives up to what Accuquilt says about it. 

Since my Bday was in Dec., it is my Bday and Xmas present from David. I think quilting toys have been my presents for years now!  

I am so glad that my 128 red string triangles are done, so I am not behind!!

We will be visiting relatives out of town over the Christmas weekend so, I won't be starting the next clue til after Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 12, 2011


I have six finished and will be working on the rest today! It's raining here so it will be a good time to stay in and sew. Once again I was super surprised at how many red scraps and big cuts I had. I had thought for sure I would have to pick up a few. Thanks Bonnie again for the help to cross over into scrap heaven!

 I love these red ones!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Finished Clue # 3 in the nick of Time

I finished my 350, 1 1/2 finished HST's last night!! All ready for tomorrow. Since it is my Birthday ( 51 yikes), it is a great B-day present.

I need to finish one last customer quilt before I start though.....

Our electricity went out for about and hour this morning, and it was chilly here in So Cal, 30's!!  It was a blessing in disguise cuz I got off the computer and put the ornaments on our tree!  We got an artificial tree with white lights already on it, last year on craigslists.  I think it might be my favorite tree to date.  There are little sparkles on the needles and when the lights are on, it gives off the prettiest glow. I need to buy some new ornaments to add to our collection because some the old ones are looking really tired, but I love them, with all the memories of past Christmases. My most favorite new ornament I bought earlier this fall is my Honu ornament. I just love sea turtles and can't resist do dads or fabric with a baby honu or big honu on them!

Monday, December 5, 2011


I finished the 72 blue 3 1/2" strip squares!  Yeh!!

It was so satisfying watching all the strings and bits get used up. Some were for sure 10 years old.

I'm starting on the finished 1 1/2" black and white HST's tomorrow and hope to finish before Friday new clue release.